This kiddo is wise beyond his years
1. Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom or dad, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
I am a college student and son.
2. What hardships have you overcome?
I have watched my mom come close to death twice and i have come close once in a roll over car accident, so conquering death and seeing my mother do it as well are my greatest hardships.
3. What do you consider One of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?
What makes someone one of a kind is their story what life they have been through, what they go through, and what they have done to conquer those things. Everyone goes through a struggle in their life and how they conquer it is how they are one of a kind.
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
I don’t necessarily believe that there is a way to practice being one of a kind because it’s already in you to be different and to be yourself.
5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation // etc.
Advice I would give to myself would be to be patient with yourself and allow things to come and go on their own.
Mr. Jaxon!
Did you know he has a super power?!
This little man is wiser beyond his years!
1.Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
My name is Jaxon! I’m 8 1/2 years old. I love all sports, but basketball is my favorite! I have Autism, it’s my super power!
2.What hardships have you overcome?
I was born with a heart defect called an aortic coararctation. My heart was repaired when I was only 6 days old. I also was diagnosed with Autism when I was very young. It affected my speech which made me frustrated some times.
3. What makes someone One of a Kind
I think what makes someone One of a Kind is that everyone is different & that makes them special!
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
I like to be nice to all people. Especially to younger kids, older kids, & kids that are different like me!
5.Whats one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
Don’t be sad. You have Autism & it’s your super power! You can think. You can remember. And you’ll be special forever!
Meet Christina…….
A one of a kind soul
1. Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend. I am a student, fitness enthusiast, book nerd, and a lover of pirates, Harry Potter, dinosaurs, and carbs.
2.What hardships have you overcome?
The biggest hardship I have overcome is my struggle with mental health. I still work with this daily. It’s a daily battle which I plan on continually winning.
3. What do you consider One of A Kind/ What makes someone One of A Kind?
To me, being one of a kind is being your true authentic self because no two people are the same.
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
I practice this by being selfish when the time calls for it and no longer bowing to the likes and desires of other people when it does not bring myself joy. I no longer allow myself to remain in uncomfortable circumstances to appease others.
5.Whats one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? // younger generation // etc.
The biggest piece of advice I would give to my younger self would be that no one cares. They aren’t paying attention to you like you think they are. So do what makes you happy. Do not follow the crowd. That thing you enjoy but they think is weird? Do it anyway. Make your happiness a bigger priority. Also, drink more water and wear sunscreen.
Introducing Brittany
A woman of many talents!
1. Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom or dad, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
I'm Brittany!!!
I'm a lover of life. A Mom. A business owner. A master crossfitter. A singer. And a lover of Taco Bell and hot Cheetos 😂
2. What hardships have you overcome?
I got married at a young age and had a ton of hardships in that time. I moved from Hawaii to Colorado with 2 bags to my name and had to start my life over from what felt like nothing. I worked at 24 for a few years just sort of surviving the corporate life when I decided to venture out and start my own business!!!! I have been through a ton of ups and downs in this industry but has proven to encourage so much growth in my life.
3. What do you consider One of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?
I think being one of a kind means living your truth. Being a kind person and someone who enriches others’ lives when they are around them.
No one is you and that's your superpower is always something that comes to mind when I hear the phrase Be one of a kind! ❤️
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
I live life the best I can and always try to have fun and enjoy even the smallest of moments! If you know me then you know I'm passionate about almost everything in my life. I try and be the type of mother my daughter looks up to. I try and be the type of mother my son admires. I try and be the best of friends to all my friends and people I meet.
5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation // etc.
I think for my younger self or just for the younger generation....
Live in the moment! Everyone is always telling you to look to the future and plan! I think a lot of us lose being in the moment when we are only looking forward or backwards for that matter! Love being yourself and always be true to what believe and love and find interesting!!!
Here’s Taylor!
Fun fact
Taylor recently took 2nd place in a CrossFit competition with his team mate.
1. Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom or dad, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
I’m an athlete, an airman (for now, getting out soon), a friend, a rival, and a writer
2. What hardships have you overcome?
I was diagnosed with complex ptsd last year, and since then my entire life has been a whirlwind of treatment, hospitals (outpatient and otherwise) medications, lifestyle changes. Besides that, I’ve had to endure competitive CrossFit programming and eating enough food without resorting to panda express every meal XD
3. What do you consider One Of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?
I mean the first thing that comes to mind is doing your own thing. I want to be able to live outside of people’s expectations of me and push to be my own authentic self. usually means not giving to peer pressure, putting people you care for first in your life.
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
First things first, I don't do things other people think i should do if I don't want to do them. I really enjoy counterculture/subculture movements and media. I strongly believe in self advocacy and identity. I think in today’s society were obsessed with labels and if you allow people to label you, you feel pressured to fit into this mold or archetype that this label demands you to, and when you act out against that you risk alienating others, but in doing so I believe you find the community you belong in.
5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation // etc.
The biggest piece of advice I would give younger me is don’t seek validation in others. I wasted a lot of my younger years trying to please others because I was afraid, they wouldn’t stick around. none of those people are in my life now because those weren’t the people I was supposed to be around. I think a lot of young people suffer from this. seeking external validation, it’s a really big problem, exacerbated by our upbringings and our presence in social media etc. at the end of the day you have to live with the person you are. and if you don’t love that person, you’re gonna be miserable.
Allyce Ya’ll
I picked this picture because this is Allyce in her element.
Caught her off the bars…….-A
1. Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom or dad, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
I am a daughter, sister, friend, coach, and Dutch Bro. My whole life is basically work but loving what I do makes it so easy to maintain this schedule. I love the friends I have, the people I get to work with, the people I work for, and how they all overlap.
2. What hardships have you overcome?
The first week of June I moved to a new city, new state, started two new jobs, and left all the friends, family, and familiarity of my hometown. I was the newbie and the youngest at a gym that had just had a coach leave. I jumped right into coaching those classes and had to gain a lot of trust and respect from people who were used to seeing and being coached by their friend every day. I knew one family when I got here, but now feel like I have 10 Colorado families. It was a rough start because of the quick transition, but the progress I’ve made over the last 6 months is astronomical. I am thankful for the lessons I have learned, friends I have made, and challenges I have worked through in the process.
3. What do you consider One Of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?
I think being One of a Kind is being who you are, with those around you as well as yourself. I think it’s not just going with the flow because that is easy, and won’t upset anyone. I think to be One Of A Kind it is important to not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even when no one else agrees and always do what makes you happy.
4. How do you practice being One of a Kind?
I speak my mind, try not to let other people’s opinions bother me, and tell myself that I don’t have to agree or see eye to eye with everyone. I remind myself that feelings are okay whether they are good, bad, or otherwise. They are all healthy and normal. I’m a fitness freak and most of my friends, before moving here, were definitely not as crazy about the gym as I am. I’m okay being different in that I wake up early to coach/workout, and I take weekends off for CrossFit competitions rather than staying up late and going out on weekends. I absolutely love my jobs and the life I’m living and I feel like that is not super common unfortunately, but I hope everyone gets to experience it.
5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation // etc.
Specifically to me: don’t worry about not knowing what you’re going to do in the future. You’ll figure it out as you go. Not everyone that seems like they have their life together actually does. It is possible to love what you do, and you don’t have to get a big kid job! For younger generations: I feel like this is the most ridiculous thing because we’ve all heard it from our parents and other adults, but don’t be in a hurry to grow up. We have just about our whole life to be adults and do grown-up things, enjoy the time you have with family close by and growing up with friends while it is happening.
Here’s Scott
1. Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom or dad, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
A: Christian, Dad, CrossFitter, salesman, tinkerer, explorer, veteran, hiker, SIU Saluki, friend, lover of life! The order changes from time to time, except for the first 2!
2. What hardships have you overcome?
A: I was a very young father, which created many challenges (hate the word hardship!). Started over at 26 when I joined the Air Force. Finished college while serving in the USAF. Decided to leave a job I had been at for almost 10 years/leave Florida where I had been for most of my life to come out to Colorado.
3. What do you consider One Of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?
A: Be yourself. You be you. Don’t try to be what others think you should or fit a society “norm”. Be ready to face those challenges head on when you do that though!
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
A: Do what I believe to be right. Don’t try to fit into a group’s dynamics whether it is social, political, etc. Try to learn something every day and be a little better everyday. Make anything I touch better than when I found it.
5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation // etc.
A: Hard work pays off. When your young/new your not expected to know anything. Make up for it by working hard. It always pays off. Also, listen to those that have “been around”. You don’t have to do everything they say or have done. There is a reason they have been around. Utilize their experiences to make yourself better.
Meet Jason
WooWee….Jason is a man of many trades.
1. Who are you/ what do you?
A: I'm Jason Lyman. What do I do? What DON'T I Do! I am a part time single dad of 2 beautiful girls, Averie and Amelia. I am extremely lucky to be the loving fiance to the best woman on the planet, Valerie Soraci. I am an avid crossfitter for the last 11 years. I am a former Marathon runner, I’m also a House and Techno DJ! For 25 years now!!! And lastly, I am lucky enough to help people buy and sell homes and accomplish their dreams. I am a people person. I absolutely love meeting new people and talking with them. My "job" really isn't a job, it's a passion. I just happen to get paid for it.
2. What hardships have you overcome?
A: Probably the biggest hurdle I have overcome is an unhealthy relationship with Alcohol. I came to the realization about 2.5 years ago that Alcohol just wasn't serving me anymore. It wasn't a positive thing in my life. It was keeping me from being the person I knew I wanted to be. So I quit. It was HARD. Especially socially. But I figured out how to do it, and it's been the best decision I've ever made. I sleep better, my relationships are better, and my workouts are WAY better.
3. What do you consider One Of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?
A: One of a Kind to me means Unique. There is nobody who knows how to be you more than YOU. Being One of a Kind means you live your life the way YOU want. Not concerned with what others think. I know what is best for me, and it might not be what others feel is best. But there is nobody like me, and I know that! So I live my life that way.
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
A: I go after what I want. I don't concern myself with what others do or have, I focus on me, and my family. I work every day towards my goals. I spend a little time each morning manifesting what it is that I want in my life. I don't let anyone tell me my dreams and goals are too big.
5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation
A: BE YOURSELF. Don't worry about what others think, or what others do. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this very moment. If you are unhappy with where that is, it's up to YOU to change it. you really can do anything you want to do, you just have to decide that you can.
I’m a Systems Engineer with a background in Aerospace Engineering and propulsion. My job is basically taking really big ideas and I break them down into small bite sized chunks that can be worked to accomplish the big ideas. I also dabble in woodworking, 3Dd printing, riding motorcycles, camping and hiking.
What hardships have you overcome?
Hardships? I’m not a fan of sob stories but I’m also not shy when it comes to being open. I’ve overcome being a fat kid. Used to be 260 not working out and now I’m happy to be 220 consistently working out. I’ve overcome asthma, hiked the Grand Canyon 2 times because as a kid I was told I couldn’t with my inhaler.
What do you consider One of a Kind?
I’m ME. Unapologetic of who I am and I do my best to be kind to other people. You smile at me, I smile at you. I don’t care about what makes me one of a kind though. In all honesty, it’s the people around me that make me one of a kind. From my amazing girlfriend who supports me in everything I do, to friends that I feel comfortable around, to the younger engineers I get to mentor. It all effects me and helps me be One of a Kind.
How do you practice being one of a kind?
I just be me and try to be kind. I trust my gut and try and make sure I ‘m making responsible decisions while embracing my true self. Embrace your true self and see below.
What is one piece of advice you would five your younger self/ younger generation?
Don’t be afraid because there is no reason to fear anything. Afraid to lift heavy things? Start small and build up to the heavy things, small victories. Afraid to ask that cute girl out? Go strike up a conversation. Chances are, you get an awesome friend, a romantic partner, or a flat out rejection but there are MILLIONS of other people in the world so just say fuck it. Afraid of social situations? SAY FUCK IT. Go forth and just TRY because either you “win” or you learn and that makes you better than not trying at all. In summary, it’s okay to be afraid but always try everything twice (may have had a bad experience the first time), say fuck it to fear and conquer the world.
Meet James
We decided to do a monthly spotlight of individuals who are one of a kind.
Who are are you and what do you do?
I am a fool that likes to lift heavy objects. I also do some counting on the side (I’m an accountant). And I’m writing a book that may become a podcast but we’ll see once I get more into it. Since Covid I don’t get out as much anymore.
What hardships have you overcome?
The greatest hardship that I had to overcome was myself….
Every failure that I have ever had in life happened because I let myself get into situations that I wasn’t prepared for.
What do you consider One of a Kind or what makes someone One of a Kind?
Just always stay true to yourself. Everyone is one of a Kind and just know that no matter what; if you are true to yourself that will be enough.
How do you practice being One of a Kind?
I believe that you get out of life what you put into in. So I always try to be kind to people because when you put out kinds that’s what you generally get back.
What is one piece of advice you would gibe your younger self/generation?
The only real failure is to stop trying….And life is not on a schedule.
How our journey begin…..
It all begins with an idea.
March 2020, in the mist of a pandemic, I had an idea to create a clothing line that would work for everyone. We all know bodies are made different but the idea of anyone at any age wearing what they felt comfortable in was where it started. I brought up the idea to Lawrence and he said he was in. Keep in mind I had no clue where to start or what to call it. I ask Law what he would call it…..and Be O.A.K. was his response. Be One of a Kind. I took the name to our anonymous designer and asked him to create a logo. After weeks of looking at different logos we made our decision.
Next, I ask Mandy to join. Keep in mind she’s the business guru and knows how to handle that aspect of it. Again, I still had no idea what I was doing or what I got myself into. Four different minds, four different ages and three different generations, we finally started creating prototypes. Last fall we began making our product.
Little by little we are creating and making lists of ideas of what we want to do and where we see ourselves going with our business. We may be small but we are mighty. There could not be a better team and partnership to build a brand that we live by.