Introducing Brittany
1. Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom or dad, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!)
I'm Brittany!!!
I'm a lover of life. A Mom. A business owner. A master crossfitter. A singer. And a lover of Taco Bell and hot Cheetos 😂
2. What hardships have you overcome?
I got married at a young age and had a ton of hardships in that time. I moved from Hawaii to Colorado with 2 bags to my name and had to start my life over from what felt like nothing. I worked at 24 for a few years just sort of surviving the corporate life when I decided to venture out and start my own business!!!! I have been through a ton of ups and downs in this industry but has proven to encourage so much growth in my life.
3. What do you consider One of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?
I think being one of a kind means living your truth. Being a kind person and someone who enriches others’ lives when they are around them.
No one is you and that's your superpower is always something that comes to mind when I hear the phrase Be one of a kind! ❤️
4. How do you practice being one of a kind?
I live life the best I can and always try to have fun and enjoy even the smallest of moments! If you know me then you know I'm passionate about almost everything in my life. I try and be the type of mother my daughter looks up to. I try and be the type of mother my son admires. I try and be the best of friends to all my friends and people I meet.
5. What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation // etc.
I think for my younger self or just for the younger generation....
Live in the moment! Everyone is always telling you to look to the future and plan! I think a lot of us lose being in the moment when we are only looking forward or backwards for that matter! Love being yourself and always be true to what believe and love and find interesting!!!