Allyce Ya’ll

I picked this picture because this is Allyce in her element.

Caught her off the bars…….-A

1.     Who are you/ what do you? (EVERYTHING YOU DO: Whether it’s being a mom or dad, being a fitness guru, being an artist, etc.. Name everything!) 

I am a daughter, sister, friend, coach, and Dutch Bro. My whole life is basically work but loving what I do makes it so easy to maintain this schedule. I love the friends I have, the people I get to work with, the people I work for, and how they all overlap.


2.     What hardships have you overcome? 

The first week of June I moved to a new city, new state, started two new jobs, and left all the friends, family, and familiarity of my hometown. I was the newbie and the youngest at a gym that had just had a coach leave. I jumped right into coaching those classes and had to gain a lot of trust and respect from people who were used to seeing and being coached by their friend every day. I knew one family when I got here, but now feel like I have 10 Colorado families. It was a rough start because of the quick transition, but the progress I’ve made over the last 6 months is astronomical. I am thankful for the lessons I have learned, friends I have made, and challenges I have worked through in the process.


3.     What do you consider One Of A Kind/ What makes someone One of a Kind?  

I think being One of a Kind is being who you are, with those around you as well as yourself. I think it’s not just going with the flow because that is easy, and won’t upset anyone. I think to be One Of A Kind it is important to not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even when no one else agrees and always do what makes you happy. 


4.     How do you practice being One of a Kind?  

I speak my mind, try not to let other people’s opinions bother me, and tell myself that I don’t have to agree or see eye to eye with everyone. I remind myself that feelings are okay whether they are good, bad, or otherwise. They are all healthy and normal. I’m a fitness freak and most of my friends, before moving here, were definitely not as crazy about the gym as I am. I’m okay being different in that I wake up early to coach/workout, and I take weekends off for CrossFit competitions rather than staying up late and going out on weekends. I absolutely love my jobs and the life I’m living and I feel like that is not super common unfortunately, but I hope everyone gets to experience it.



5.     What is one piece of advice you would give to your younger self? //younger generation // etc.

Specifically to me: don’t worry about not knowing what you’re going to do in the future. You’ll figure it out as you go. Not everyone that seems like they have their life together actually does. It is possible to love what you do, and you don’t have to get a big kid job! For younger generations: I feel like this is the most ridiculous thing because we’ve all heard it from our parents and other adults, but don’t be in a hurry to grow up. We have just about our whole life to be adults and do grown-up things, enjoy the time you have with family close by and growing up with friends while it is happening.


Here’s Taylor!


Here’s Scott